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Re: MWAVE 2.0: to install or not to install

> Have our European friends had any luck using MWAVE 2.0, or have you all
> switched back to 1.10?  I'm wondering because I have a few trips
> scheduled to Europe in the next few months and have use for telephony.
> Failing this, is there an easy way to keep parallel MWAVE directories
> and just rename things accordingly?
> I actually haven't heard too many positive things yet about 2.0 in this
> list.  Are there any happy campers out there using MWAVE 2.0?
> Regards,
> Eugene Fiume.

The internal phone system at my work is sometimes a little difficult to
deal with, so I have not got it to work here.
But when I tried it at home I gave the modem ATX3 (or ATX1 for ignore dialtone and busy) for ignore dialtone.
and it worked. I even got connect 28.8!
So to you who want to try mwave2.00 in Europe, I can only say that it might
work (in Norway).

//// Harald Skotnes		// Email: harald@staff.cs.uit.no  /
/// Dept. of Computer Science  // Phone: +47 77 64 41 16         //
// University of Tromsoe      // Fax: +47 77 64 40 54           ///	 
/ N-9037 TROMSOE NORWAY	     // Like it or not, it's One World ////