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Re: MWave 2.0 (connection problems)

> The noise definitely does not sound like any modem negotiation process that
> I've ever heard before.  In fact it almost sounds like a harpsicord or

That's pretty normal for V.34 connections... As a matter of fact the Mwave
connection sound at V.34 is a lot tamer than my US-Robotics V.34 modem.

28.8Kbps connection requires VERY good telephone line quality... House wiring
and your distance from the Central Office could have a lot to with it to.  
I have been able to get many 26.4K connects with the new software... I'm happy!

Here's what the README file in the MWAVE program group suggests:

    If you experience difficulties connecting at a modem speed of 28.8
    kbps to a particular number, or if you have trouble connecting to a
    particular modem rotary, try the following.

    -   If the connection is not made and the speaker is OFF:

        1.  Disable V.42 bis and MNP 5 using AT"H%C
        2.  Disable V.42 (AT\N3) or MNP 1-4 (AT\N5). You could also
            disable both with AT\N.

    -   If the connection is not made and the speaker remains on:

        1.  Reduce the maximum modem throughput using the AT commands
            ATs28=18 (for 26400 bps), ATS28=17 (24000bps), ATS28=16
            (21600 bps), or ATS28=15 (19200 bps).
        2.  If you've tried step 1 and it still does not connect, use
            AT*TH8 to control the speed.

            Once you connect using the AT*TH8 command, remember to reset
            your modem using either AT&F (for factory defaults) or
            AT*TH4. If you forget to reset, your next calls will transmit
            at lower V.34 connection rates.

| Mehdi Attaran     mehdi@armon.rain.com     ..!uunet!m2xenix!armon!mehdi |
|                   Data: (503) 642-3270     Voice: (503) 649-0719        |