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Re: Griping about Iomega (was Re: Zipdrive, PCMCIA SCSI)

On Thu, 21 Sep 1995, Lew Jansen wrote:

>   Hmm...  $40 for a power adapter that doesn't weight as much as the ZIP drive.
> $30 for the new ZIP Tools software that will work with Win95.  A telephone
> tech-support person swore up and down to a friend of mine that the only way to
> get drivers for OS/2 was to buy them from Iomega for $20; no mention of
> downloading them from the net or their BBS.  No more Tech Support forum on
> Iomega's BBS; they've moved it to AOL and MSN.

The driver thing is annoying, but the adaptor doesn't seem totally 
unreasonable - those ZIP drivers aren't running on a wide margin, it's 
probably cheaper to make the larger AC adaptor. And over the long term, 
software is _much_ more costly to support than hardware, so more money 
for Lose95 sounds reasonable to me. (Think of it as a penalty for bad 
taste in OSes)

The support issue is usually a result of exclusivity agreements. 
Irritating, but nothing new - Compu$serve has been getting peopel to sign 
them for years.

 Donald Alan Whiteside     MDCC Wage Slave     School of Computer Science
         Official Usenet Dork for the week of Jan 9-13, 1995
      GCS d-- -p+(---) l u+(-) e+ m+ s !n h f g+ w+ t+(++) r- y++ 
 "There's nothing wrong with Windows95 I can't fix by deleting it" - Me.