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I just got my TP 755CX.  Looks very nice so far.  I am planning to install  
NeXTStep over the weekend.  We will see.

[0] Apparently noone makes a desktop receptor for Thinkpad caddies.  Some  
members of this list have looked and failed to find such.

[1] Is there a Thinkpad-mode compatible IR receptor for desktops for sale  
anywhere? (i.e., the type that can transfer about 1MBit/sec).

[2] How much disk space is OS/2-Warp taking (it ships with the 755CX)?  Is  
there a way to cleanly remove it?

[3] There appears to be a TCP/IP directory on the disk, but I cannot figure  
out how to access/use it.  I want to hook up a pocket connector. Anybody know  

I will summarize any positive responses later to the group.


/ivo welch