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Re: trumpet

On Sep 1,  7:00pm, James Bush wrote:

} trumpet works fine with the pcmcia card and serial port modem. but it 
} will not function using the internal modem.

Hmm.  I have a 755CE and trumpet worked just fine for me, in the sense
of accessing the MWAVE modem and dialing, etc.  I haven't used it for
SLIP or PPP, so I can't verify that these protocols work, though this
should be independent of the port you're using.  At the risk of over-
simplifying the problem, ensure that your ThinkPad config is consistent
with trumpet's.  It's easy to forget that your MWAVE modem is usually
on COM2, IRQ3, 2F8h, for example, instead of the "regular" serial port
at COM1, IRQ4, 3F8h.  Also, make sure your modem is initiated under
Windows before accessing it via any communication software.

I use kermit for comm stuff under DOS/Win, because for me it is more
reliable and robust (inasmuch as anything is under that quaint
combination of kludgy OS's).  Others may differ.  Of course, if you
want to run NFS over a phone line or something(!), kermit is not the

Eugene Fiume.