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Re: Memory for 755Cs / Simple Tech.

It *is* very important, if you are running a 32 bit operating system
such as OS/2 WARP (or even one, such as Win 95, that contains some
32-bit code but isn't a true 32-bit OS) to have decent-quality ram. 
DOS/Windows can work with flakey ram, but you will sometimes see
problems with the 32-bit systems, since they push the system harder. 
That's why I will probably stick with TP-certified RAM.

Roger J. Buffington
USC Law, Class of '97
Go Trojans!
WARPing with PM-Mail

| "I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from   |
| them (Native Americans). There were great numbers of people who     |
| needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it   |
| for themsleves."  -  John Wayne (actor)                             |