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Re: RAM for 755Cs

On 14 Aug 95, Michael Verne/VENTANA <Michael_Verne/VENTANA.ITP@lgate.vmedia.com> 
>".....The RAM saga continues... I'm looking for the most inexpensive
>possible source of a 16MB Ram module for my TP 755Cs.  Sigma Data
>wants about $950, which I've been told is high.  Can someone tell me
>of a vendor who offers TP-certified RAM at a lower price?....."
>Simple Technology.  We get their 16MB DRAM cards for around $800.  We use them 
>in the 360, 360C, 755C, CD & CSE.  One hoop to jump through on install, but 
>other than that, they run like a champ.
>Michael J. Verne
>Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group, Inc.

I agree with Michael.  I use their 16MB in my 755CX
and it works fine.  I paid about $675 from CDW (Computer
Discount Warehouse).  Call Derek at 1-800-800-4239 x7342
for your best price.  CDW usually has it in stock.

     --Sandy       / _  _ \
                  (  @  @  )
         | InterNet : sandy@sandy.com |
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