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Re: RAM for 755Cs

Roger asks
"The RAM saga continues... I'm looking for the most inexpensive
possible source of a 16MB Ram module for my TP 755Cs.  Sigma Data
wants about $950, which I've been told is high.  Can someone tell me
of a vendor who offers TP-certified RAM at a lower price?"

just look in ads in PC Magazine or Computer Shopper. Here is one example
from Computer Shopper. S.E.G. Technologies, Inc. 800-372-7666, price
for 16 meg board: $720.

I have seen lower prices, I seem to remember $699.

Also, consider getting a 16 meg DIMM and DIMM adapter, I have seen this
combination for under $800. It is a little more expensive, but the advantage
is you can add another 16 meg DIMM later without having to throw away what
you already have.