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Anyone tested the new XFree86-3.1.2


It seems like this new release of the X server now fully support
the WD90C24 that is found on ThinkPad (at least mine). I tested it
last week-end with my Linux system.

Well, it seems to have fixed the problem of the screen crash on exit from X. 
We now get the correct screen back (no need for Fn-F7). However on double 
scan LCD display, one must still use Michael Steiner's tpdualscan program to 
hide 512Kb of video memory. The server comes with an enhanced documentation 
(Readme.WstDig) that explains how to setup the famous XF86Config for this card.

I made some test with an external display and have been able to get to
1024x768x8 with no particular problem. 
But one must first goes back to DOS and run the PS2.exe program to set the
High Performance CRT on otherwise high resolution mode won't be

Did anyone make these tests ?
Can anyone tell me the best ModeLine for 640x480 LCD mode ? Personnaly, I use
the one given as an example in this README.WstDig file.

 St'ephane ERANIAN			| Email	eranian@chorus.fr
 Universit'e PARIS VII			|	eranian@litp.ibp.fr
 LITP - Laboratoire d'Informatique	|
 Th'eorique et Programmation		|
 2 place Jussieu			|
 75251 Paris cedex 05			|