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Re: Battery Charger...

>The part number for the IBM "Travel Quick Charger" I got for my 755CD
>batteries is "85G1522".

I tried to order a Travel Quick Charger along with my 755CD a couple of
months ago.  Ended up with IBM tech support who said the only quick
charger available was for the 755C/Cs and it wouldn't work with Ce/Cse/CD.
Was he lying, or is this a new model?

On a related subject, am I correct that the 360 and 755C/Cs use the same
battery while the 755Ce/Cse/CD use a different battery (Intelligent Battery
Pack II)?

The sales litterature (fax-back, www, etc) talk about two different batteries
being available for the 755CD - a NiMH and an Intelligent NiMH.  Is this true?
What is the difference?

Mark J Strawcutter                           Internet:  mjstraw@grove.iup.edu 
Director, Systems and Communications         BITNET:    MJSTRAW@IUP
Indiana University of Pennsylvania           Voice:     (412) 357-4007
Indiana, PA   15705                          "you can't nail jello to a tree"