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Re: TP755CD and Windows NT? (fwd)

``..Sean Chou writes,
` Subject: Re: TP755CD and Windows NT? (fwd)
` Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 12:00:47 -0500 (CDT)
` > my father has an IBM Thinkpad 755CD and we isntalled Windows NT 
` > yesterday. 
` > The program itself works okay, but we don't have PCMCIA-Support. IUs 
` What version of NT? I believe their newest release, 3.51, has
` PCMCIA support.

Adding to that, you can find the  "Windows NT 3.51 Hardware Compatibility
List: May 1995"  at  http://www.microsoft.com/NTServer/hcl/nts14200.htm
All is there, including  "PCMCIA Tested hardware".

  kevin cheong  mlp program  iss nus