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Re: TP755CX

> 1. APM only partly works.  If I use the daemon, it does put the
>    screen into sleep mode after a period of idleness, but it keeps
>    the disk running, and if I use the fcn-key bindings to idle the
>    machine, it locks up.  Killing the daemon restored use of the
>    key bindings.  I don't know how to proceed on this without some
>    documentation on the TP's apm controller and bios.
with 0.5 you don't really need the daemon. the kernel routines should
handle everything fine. The problem you describe is probably because
you use PCMCIA cards. it seems that the Thinkpad does not properly
process APM request if PCMCIA cards are active (e.g it does not pass
the APM request the kernel handler which could when disable the cards).

if you suspend the PCMCIA card by hand ("cardctl suspend 1" and
"cardctl suspend 2") it should work fine for suspend as well as
hibernate. (note: when you resume the cards will be reenabled by the
kernel apm rsp the PCMCIA drivers automaticaly)

> 2. When you come out of X11, the tty video controller is left in
>    a weird state.  Portions of the line seem to be overwritten, 
>    and shifted slightly, so that you end up with some characters
>    duplicated and overwritten.  It is useless until you power down
>    the system.
i don't know about this problems but some problems with the display of
the 750Cs could be resolved by hitting 'Fn-7'.

-michael steiner-

Michael Steiner			                           IBM Research Lab
Zelgstrasse 8                                              Saeumerstrasse 4    
CH-8134 Adliswil                  ___________              CH-8803 Rueschlikon
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<steiner@acm.org>                      ^                   <sti@zurich.ibm.com>
learning the art of flying:                 
	"throwing yourself at the ground and miss"
	(Douglas Adams, "Life, the Universe and Everything")

PS: <a href="http://www.zurich.ibm.com/pub/sti/www/">my gate to the internet</a>
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