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I am using an 
IBM TP 755C together with 
TCPIP 2.0 (latest CSD 64xxx) and 
IBM Ethernet Adapter (PCMCIA).
Installation diskettes for the IBM PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter: V. 2.03

Unfortunatly, the install-program of the ethernet adapter won't recognize 
the the WARP PCMCIA card and socket services (tell's me no socket/card services installed, can't proceed), 
so I can't get my ethernet card working.

Another PCMCIA-problem occured, when I tried to install an ADAPTEC 1460 (TRANTOR T460) PCMCIA-2-SCSI
adapter and an external HDD. Well, I checked the termination power, and - it is being supplied 
by external device (+5V).

The Plug and Play for PCMCIA-tool (OS/2 WARP) shows me: 
No.  Card Type                 Card Status
1    Memory                    Inserted

and when I double click on this entry I get the Card Information:
Trantor Systems, Ltd, T460 SCSI Host Adapterversion 0.22

Write Protect                YES
Battery                      GOOD
Region                       Masked ROM 32K Bytes
Sounds a bit strange to me????

I installed the T160SCSI.ADD driver and the SCSI-driver for WARP. 

But I cannot access to the external harddisk (no icon, no drive D -- nothing)
(Worked fine under WinDOZE)

Please help me..................


Alexander Wirth,
Inst. f. Schaltgeraete und Hochspannungstechnik
TU Wien, Gusshausstr. 25-29/374,
1040 Wien
Tel. ++43-1-58801-3759
FAX  ++43-1-504-11-03