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Svideo playback/capture on TP755CD ??


Anyone out there who have tried svideo playback/capture on a TP755CD??

I 'm getting only black and white. No colors. With a composite inputsignal
it works just fine.

If you can give me any hints please respond directly to
orjanr@staff.cs.uit.no - as I'm not currently on the list.

Thanks in advance.

# Xrjan W. Robertsen  | Phone (work): +47 77 64 42 37 | My name and address  #
# Technical Support   | Cellular    : +47 90 09 65 76 | has norwegian chars. #
# Computer Sci. Dept. | Phone (priv): +47 77 61 31 85 | in it. '\o{}' and    #
# University of Tromsx| Fax         : +47 77 64 40 54 | '\O{}' TeX notation. #
# N-9037 Norway       | Finger:orjanr@orjanr.cs.uit.no| I hate using 'oe'.   #
# e-mail: orjanr@staff.cs.uit.no | url: http://www.cs.uit.no/~orjanr        #