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Thirdparty (not TP-Proven by IBM) memory for 75X

There seems to be roughly $200 price difference between TP-Proven (IBM
Authorized) 16MB memory and the ones from non-TP-Proven vendors. 
Apparently, only IBM, Apex, and Apricorn 16 MB DRAM cards seem to be
TP-Proven, and IBM 16 MB DIMMS alone are TP-Proven.  Who are the other
reputable memory vendors beside the three above?  I believe some offer a
lifetime warranty (whatever that means) eventhough not TP-Proven? 

What are the experiences in this forum with these thirdparty memory?  
Also, if I added one of these non-TP-Proven DRAM or DIMM would it void 
the IBM International Warranty on the TP?



Valentine G. Anantharaj --------------- val@cast.msstate.edu ---
MSU - Center for Air-Sea Technology     vga1@ra.msstate.edu    |
Bldg. 1103, Room 233                    Tel.: (601)688-1157    |
Stennis Space Center                    Fax:  (601)688-7100    |
MS 39529-5005 --------------------------------------------------