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Re: does anyone have list price of 1.2 gig drive handy?

> >this to me is an idiotic comment. A 1.2 gigabyte 2.5" disk is a pretty
> >amazing gizmo, I find it perfectly reasonable to be paying $150/meg for
> >something at this cutting edge of technology.

Actually, I find this an idiotic comment.  If the drive is sold
at $750 in quantity, there is no reason for us to pay over twice
that except for the fact that some idiots are willing to pay the
price (and probably have their department's money at their

> Sorry if I got on anyone's nerves.  I'm having a chronic money problem

You certainly didn't get on my nerves.  I think you were quite
justified in your opinion (as we all are).  And perhaps if we all
felt that way, IBM would reduce their prices at least to a reasonably
high level (rather than ludicrously high level).

> Arrrgh... Sometimes it makes me think I should just dump OS/2...  :-)

Nyah, unless you're going to use Linux of course.