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Re: suspend/resume hibernate (was Re: 755c audio on Windows 95)

On Jun 12,  7:31pm, Robert Dewar wrote:
} Subject: Re: suspend/resume hibernate (was Re: 755c audio on Windows 95)
} one thing I notice with my CX is that if I suspend, then the Mwave
} modem seems broken when I resume, and I have to restart it.
}-- End of excerpt from Robert Dewar

I'm pretty sure the same thing happens on my CE.  I'll test it next
time I "hibernate".   A problem I've been getting with frustrating
regularity is that each time I have used an MWAVE function within
Windows 3.11, whenever I exit Windows I have to reboot.  I've tried
(really!) to shed my UNIX-culture phobia about rebooting, but this
seems silly.  Anyone have a fix?

Eugene Fiume.

P.S.  To all who suggested ATX1D as the solution to my "dialtone"
problem, thank you.  It works most of the time.  The lines up here
in the mountains are very noisy, but there are other compensations.