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Re: ThinkPad "Next Generation"

At 04:01 PM 6/6/95 -0400, Robert Dewar wrote:
>speaking of ergonomics, the 755CX runs VERY hot, much hotter than any
>previous TP I owned, it will damage furniture or come close to burning
>your lap if you actually use it as lap top! I have found it a good idea
>to run it with its feet up to give some circulation.

I accepted that a long time ago with my 720, I use a hardback "coffee table"
book between my 755cs and my lap, always with the feet up.

Without the book it gets hot enough to cause pain, is the cx really that
much hotter?  (We're not going to have another mcdonald's coffee incident,
are we? :)

>Still I must say I am *very* happy with the CX, the performance is a real
>jump above the 100MHz CD (as much the cache as the Pentium), and the
>better screen resolution is a real help.

Did you ever get it to go into 800x600x16bit mode?
<jesse@spine.com>               http://www.hooked.net/bin/jesse.home
After seven years, I was sent home to my family.  Little man, I give
the watch to you.