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Re: TP755CE/Mwave/Linux/SLIP problem

David Fox writes:

 > > I'm running Linux on my ThinkPad 755CE, and I'd like to get SLIP up and
 > > running.  Does anybody know how to run SLIP over the Mwave chip?
 > I don't think you can use the Mwave chip at all under Linux,
 > but please correct me if I'm wrong.  I run SLIP without incident
 > using a MegaHertz PCMCIA modem.

Sorry about giving an answer that was already given.  To add
some value to the discussion, let me just say that in order
to install Linux via NFS on a Thinkpad 755CED you could take
Dave Hind's non-working bootdisk/rootdisk pair and follow
the instructions in SLAKWARE.FAQ for replacing a bootdisk

  Q: How do I make a Slackware bootkernel disk with this new kernel I made?
  A: OK, well you grab an existing one like the "bare.gz", put it on a floppy,
     and do this:
     mount /dev/fd0 /mnt (this mounts it)
     cat zImage > /mnt/vmlinuz (put the new kernel in place)
     rdev -R /mnt/vmlinuz 0    (mount read-write)
     rdev /mnt/vmlinuz /dev/fd0H1440   (use that drive, or /dev/fd0h1200)
     rdev -r /mnt/vmlinuz 1440 (set the ramdisk size, or use 1200 with 1.2 meg)
     lilo -r /mnt  (reinstall lilo)
     umount /mnt   (that's it! you're done! :^)

I have a working 1.2.2 kernel which I will place on