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SVGA Win-OS2 under Warp

From: D. Gwyn Jones      Fileshare 2 development, Products Group.
      DGJ at NWB, GBHFFWHF at IBMMAIL, e-mail: dgj@mfltd.co.uk
Subject: SVGA Win-OS2 under Warp

>  From: "Richard Ellerbrock" <A94685@netman.eskom.co.za>
>  Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 07:35:35 GMT+2
>  Please could you tell me how to go about getting Warp for Windows (no
>  Windows code with my Warp) working at resolutions higher than
>  640x480x256c on an external monitor connected to my 755c. The standard
>  wd0c24 drivers shipped with Warp refuse to go higher (don't even get
>  the option) and installing the old 2.1 video features disk really
>  messed up my system.

I haven't installed Warp yet but twice I have attempted to install SVGA
drivers for OS/2 2.11 and messed it up. First time, OS/2 hung on booting
(just at the point of trying to display the hour glass - the first PM
display) and I was told buy our IS guys I had to reinstall OS/2 from

Next time I tried switching back to standard VGA having installed an SVGA
driver, again OS/2 would no longer boot up. Before reinstalling OS/2, I
tried looking in the OS/2 reference (Wow - what a novel idea!). There is a
helpful little entry in the index which reads "VGA Support, restoring mode".
Referring to this section describes the steps required:

Simply boot up with the OS/2 installation diskette (don't ask me what you
CD-ROM users have to do!), and when you get to install disk 1, you elect to
exit to an OS/2 prompt without going any further. Change to your \OS2
directory and enter SETVGA C: (or whatever your OS/2 drive is). Follow
on screen instructions and when you reboot everything works again in
glorious VGA!

It's amazing what you can learn from the manuals. Although I can't speak for

Regards, Gwyn.        Micro Focus Ltd          Tel. (44) (0)1635 565294
                      26 West Street           Fax. (44) (0)1635 565567
Extension 5294        Newbury RG13 1JT U.K.