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SVGA under Win-OS/2

Ok, I've been running without a monitor up til now and have been
happily ignoring and deleting everything that came across this list
on SVGA under Warp and Win-OS/2.  Wouldn't you know it, right after
I deleted the latest batch, I find out I'm doing a presentation next
week on a 1024x768 LCD projector.  I'll be using Lotus Freelance for
Windows so I need to get external SVGA support under Win-OS/2 working.
Here's the situation til now:

I installed Warp with Win-OS/2 in VGA mode.
Tested Win-OS/2 in VGA mode -- worked OK.
Connected an external monitor and installed WD90C24 drivers.
Changed resolution to 1024x768x256.
OS/2 came up in 1024x768x256, but double-clicking the Win-OS/2 full
   screen icon results in a "Cannot start -- make sure the path is
   correct..." error.
I was able to start Win-OS/2 by typing "win" from a DOS full screen
   prompt, but it came up 640x480x???.
I switched back to 640x480x256 and was still unable to start Win-OS/2.

I suspect if I went back to VGA everything would work OK, but that
defeats the purpose of all these contortions I'm going through.  Has
anyone got a setup similar to this?  I'm on a TP750 mono.  Ideally
I'd like 1024x768 in both OS/2 and Win-OS/2 when hooked up to an
external monitor, with the TP autosensing and dropping back to
640x480x256 for both when there's no monitor attached.  I'll settle
for 1024x768x256 in *any* way under Win-OS/2.

John H. Kim