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Re: 755CX - Color Depth / Bad "Pixels"

You wrote: 

>My display has a single bad TFT (dot) just right of center,
>but the bright red color makes it standout.  I find it a 
>little distracting, but probably will get use to it.


I had the very same problem when I first got my 755CE. I understood 
that dead pixels were a fact of life, but the fact that the pixel was 
orange and close to the middle of my screen was too much for me! 
Luckily IBM Pc Direct was great about the exchange and even paid for 
the shipping (although Airborne Express keeps sending me bills, but 
that's another story <grin>). So I guess it all boils down to how high 
your tolerance level is. Some people seem to get used to the dead 
pixel(s), while others (like me) find that the little buggers start to 
grate on them over time. BTW, I can't remember what is the exact number 
of dead pixels before IBM considers a screen defective(something like 7 
or 8), but I've heard it's the lowest in the industry.

- John
P.S. I just joined this group also and "I LOVE THIS GAME!" =)