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>Hi, I was wondering what the consensus was on the best CD-ROM drive
>that will plug into my PCMCIA slot.  I notice that Panasonic has a
>2X drive with PCMCIA card for $290.  Has anybody successfully hooked
>this one up to a 750C?

Yes, I have successfully hooked up a Panasonic 2X to my Thinkpad 755CE (i
cannot imagine that things would be any different with a 750C).

After about 10 minutes of messing around with some TSRs, etc, I got the
drive's PCMCIA card working fine with the thinkpads EZPLAY (PC Card
Director) software.
The CD-ROM pcmcia card also works fine in the slots on my thinkpad port

All in all, the Panasonic PCMCIA cd-rom co-exists just fine with the
thinkpad.  I think I remember someone else on this list reporting
essentially the same experience.


Todd Tannenbaum                           email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu
Director of the Model Advanced Facility   voice phone: (608) 262-3118
Computer-Aided Engineering Center         FAX phone: (608) 265-4546
University of Wisconsin-Madison