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1024x786 video on 755C -Reply

Message As Sent:
I am trying to configure a 755C (DOS/Windows 3.1) to display
1024x768 on an external monitor (IBM 9517P) and not having any luck.
Any help, hints, etc. would be most appreciated!
        Ed Holub
        USAA Information Services

The 750C comes with a Video Display Disk that Windows can use to
enhance your External Display Monitor.  
Options include:

  ThinkPad 750 640x480 256 colors, large fonts
  ThinkPad 750 640x480 256 colors, small fonts
  ThinkPad 750 800x600 256 colors, large fonts
  ThinkPad 750 800x600 256 colors, small fonts
  ThinkPad 750 1024x768 256 colors, large fonts
  ThinkPad 750 1024x768 256 colors, small fonts

Using Setup(DOS) or Winsetup
Add in the drivers for the 
ThinkPad 750 1024x768 256 colors, xxxx fonts

Modify PS2WIN display section by checking High Performance

NOTE: With this configuration you will not be able to view the laptop
screen while the external monitor is attached.  When you boot up without
an external monitor the TP will use the 600x480 default display.