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Warp: one more question...

First of all, thanks for all the answers! it sounds like I better get more
memory in order to be happy, but some people also recomended a bigger HD...
Decisions, decisions...

My lab has three different networks going around and All the printers are being
shared through Etherlink and AppleTalk... I would love to use Ethernet to talk
to them and the file serves, but i'm afraid that I'm too far from the nearest
station and we might run into problems with signal loss if we don't get a
retransmitter.  My question is, then, can I connect to the appletalk net? I
don't really want to, but it might be my only choice :)

Thanks again!


Arturo J. Morales      (RPI '94)   |  art@aars.mit.edu
Department of Biology              | Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology http://minihelix.mit.edu/top.html  | 
"That Person you see in the Mirror is made up of D-Amino Acids" --C.P.