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OS2 backup to DAT tape?

   From: ballagh@maxwell.otago.ac.nz (robert ballagh)
   Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 18:11:09 +1200 (NZST)

   I have a TP 755C running OS/2 Warp, and wish to back up the entire
   hard disk onto a DAT tape. I have ordered the  IBM PCM SCSI card, but wonder
   what additional software I will need (if any) to carry out the backup.
   Would the same software allow me to reconstitute the disk from the 
   tape? And is the process independent of the particular model of DAT drive?

   If anyone has any experience or tips, I would be grateful to hear of 

I've been using GTAR/GTAK, which has three advantages.  First, it's
free (you can get it from hobbes or several other ftp sites).  Second,
it can be used to interchange tapes with unix systems.  Third, if you
use the "Quick File Access" feature, it is very fast at locating
specific files on a tape.

On the down side: this program is difficult to install because the
installation instructions are sketchy (maybe cryptic is more
accurate).  It took me a couple of hours to puzzle out the
instructions enough to get it working.  Considering that I have much
experience with both DDS drives and SCSI, I think this is pretty
awful.  Also on the down side, tar is not the friendliest program to
use, because it has no user interface.  And further, while tar is fine
for doing full or incremental backups, it's pretty bad at doing
archival storage where you periodically add more things to the
archive; it can be done, but it's not pleasant.

Mainly I continue using it because it's free, and it works well enough
that I don't want to spend the time trying other things.  Also I have
been keeping track of people's comments regarding OS/2 tape backup
programs, and I've yet to hear that any particular program is