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28.8 and MWAVE?

I know IBM says that a V.34 28.8Kbaud modem upgrade will be available for
the Thinkpad's MWAVE.  Apprently, the latest patches for MWAVE on the ftp
site/bulletin board still only have a 14.4  Kbaud modem, right?

anyone know _when_ ibm will be releasing the 28.8 mwave modem software?
anyone even hear any rumors?  how about windows-NT drivers for the MWAVE stuff?

thanks as always for the information,

Todd Tannenbaum                           email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu
Director of the Model Advanced Facility   voice phone: (608) 262-3118
Computer-Aided Engineering Center         FAX phone: (608) 265-4546
University of Wisconsin-Madison