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preinstalled software

(stuff on another topic deleted)
>Joe Foss
>on a 1 man crusade against pre-installed software w/o a way to get real disks.

what's worse is not having an easy way to uninstall the preinstalled "demos".
i didn't mind getting the preinstalled software, and some of it i could get 
interested in.  but i do mind having to pay money to get an uninstaller to
get rid of all the bits and pieces of packages i did not ask for.  i would 
think having to do that will antagonize many of the potential users these
companies are trying to reach. 

so, if ibm is going to load these unrequested packages/demos for whatever
reason - if they can make extra money out of it fine - each such package 
should have at minimum 

              an uninstall (completely) option.

it would probably be advantageous also to have -

    a) a way to make disks of the s/w for backup; and,

    b) an uninstall to disk (for later reinstallation if desired).

regards, al

 Alden S Klovdahl /   alden.klovdahl@anu.edu.au    / fax: +61 62 49 05 25
 Sociology Arts  / Australian National University / Canberra ACT Australia 0200