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The birghtness and contrast functions are more a reflection of the model of
the computer.  The 750C (active matrix) has both a brightness and contrast
switch.  While the 755C (also active matrix) has only a contrast switch.  I
suspect they decided to leave it off the newer versions because it had more
of a direct effect on the battery consumption than it did on the real
brightness level of the display.  In my classes, I always suggest that users
keep the brightness switch as low as possible and use display angle and
contrast to adjust the best view (the battery lasts longer).
You will also find that passive matrix screens suffer from ghosting (i.e. if
you move your mouse to fast, you can lose it on the screen for a while).
They also don't have as great a viewing angle as the active matrix screens.  
You will also see a type of passive matrix called dual scan passive matrix.
It is much better than standard passive matrix but is still not as fast and
clean as active matrix.  Most models with this will say something like CS on
the end of the number (eg 750CS).  Hope this non-technical description helps.

|Kris D. Williams<krisdw@basenet.net>                           |
|Instructor/Developer:Mobile Education-IBM Education & Training |
|Co-Owner:InComm - Sensible Solutions for the Road Warrior      |
|My opinions are my own (really!)                               |