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Re: Certified/working Ethernet cards for 755C

> What is a list of the Ethernet cards out there that have worked with
> minimal ease on the TP 755C? I see 3Com is selling their Etherlink III
> PCMCIA card at a special promo price of $99. What does IBM say will work?
> Personal experiences? Thanks.

	From personal experience, I can tell you it works just fine
(in a 750C anyway--I'm quite certain that there is little difference).
Funny though--I bought it at this "special promo price" something like
6 to 9 months ago.  Pretty long "promotion", eh?!

	Relatively fast little bugger too, if you can believe the 3Com
propaganda that comes with it.  :)

	Just one caveat--it works using "point enabler" software which can
conflict with your normal PCMCIA socket services driver (if you need it for
another card in another slot at the same time).

	Also, one person on the list (whose name escapes me--sorry!)
was disappointed to find that the 3Com card would not work in the PCMCIA
capable IBM port replicator unit.  I believe he informed IBM of this
problem and they came up with a fix of some kind.  I'll leave it to
him to tell about the details again.

-----                                           ___________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu                |   Practice random acts  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!) |        of senseless     |
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm          |       viol...err..      |
    right, they should be yours too.)           |         kindness!       |