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Repost on WD90C24, since some of you had problems with the original.

>Sorry, I wrote the original message from windows - and I think the program
>messed up the character set a little for some of you... Anyway, Reposting:

I Some weeks ago i played around at Hobbes (ftp for OS/2) and found a file
called something like "wdc.zip"...

It contains Western Digital  WD90C24/31 drivers for OS/2. (Of course..)
Anyway, myy mother has got a thinkpad too,, although only with windoze.., 
so I took the driver called "WD2408.DRV" (provided for seamless windows) 
and renamed it VDC24.DRV. It is considerably faster than the ones provided
on the thinkpad disks!

You have to change the settings in system.ini, too:

[WD90C24]   (Note! New head!)
WidthxHeight=640x480    (for example, choose res)

I fond these settings by browsing through the .DSP files for OS/2 on the the
disk, and more interesting: there are entries in these files stating modes 
like "WDC24 800x600x65536 accelerated"! (On external monitor)

Now, I know that many of you have stated that this chip is only 8-bit, but is
this based on facts, or is it a conclusion by the situation that 16-bit 
drivers are non-existant?

(NOTE: I suppose that 2408 means an 8-bit driver - the higher mode uses 
WD3116.DRV, where the 16 supposedly stands for 16-bit .. The description,
although, says WD 90C24 high-color, too.)

I haven't played with it that much, and I haven't  got high-color to work on
an external monitor. (Neither with OS/2 on my machine.) 
But perhaps some of you are a little more skilled?

(It would be nice to have more colors, and the drivers are faster!)

When I think of it, doesn't the new VERSA and Thinkpads offer high-color with
the WD90C24a?

>By the posts on this list during the last days, I draw the conclusion that
>the chip really can do more colors - and the screen. The problem could be
>the D/A converter, so I presume they have changed it in Butterfly and 755CE?
>But the file mentioned above lists TP750C; on several other machines it
>also says that these won't do high-color on external monitors, but there
>is no such reservation for the Thinkpads, except for the TP500, I believe...

Good Luck,
