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I think what I'll do from now on concerning announcements is the
following: For new systems or major upgrade options I'll post the full
announcement.  For PCMCIA peripherals and non-essential things, I'll post
the first 50 lines or so and a form letter saying how to get the full
announcement from this new announcement service.  You can actually
subscribe to this announcement service and have it send you announcements
on only the categories you're interested in, but there is no separate
option for only Thinkpad and Mobile options.  The closest to that is
Personal systems which includes all of IBM's Desktop systems as well. 

Josh Hosseinoff
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 16:14:18 -0500
From: US Announcement Letter Listserver <announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com>
To: hosseino@yu1.yu.edu
Subject: Subscription notification message

IBM US Announcement Letter Listserver Service -- Detailed Instructions

Greetings and welcome to the IBM U.S Announcement Letter Listserver

An easier way to receive IBM announcements!  The US Announcement
Listserver automatically supplies an Internet e-mail user with
timely new announcement information (titles and optionally the letter)
from selected categories.

Getting Started ...

Q: How do I obtain the US Announcement Letter category form?
A: Send an e-mail to announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com.  The keyword
   "subscribe" must be your first and only word in the body of the
   e-mail (leave the subject blank).

Q: Once I have the category form, what do I do?
A: Select the categories you would like to subscribe to.

Q: How do I select a subscription to a category?
A: There are 2 ways.  See "Methods to Select a Category" for details.

Q: What does it mean to subscribe?
A: You will be notified of each new US Announcement Letter title in
   the categories you previously selected when the announcement letter
   is published.  You can also request to have the ASCII version of the
   US Announcement Letter sent to you.

Q: Now that I have selected a category, what will I receive?
A: You will receive *one* e-mail with the titles of the US Announcement
   Letters that match your category selection.

Q: How often will I receive the e-mail?
A: Generally once a week on Tuesdays.

Q: When can I expect to receive the e-mail?
A: The distribution process is triggered mid-morning the day of
   announce.  You should receive the e-mail late Tuesday (possibly
   Wednesday if network problems arise).

Q: I receive the e-mail with the US Announcement Letter titles that
   match my category subscriptions.  How can I get the actual text
   of the announcement letter?
A: You can use the Listserver Service to obtain an ASCII version (in
   an e-mail) or you can use the 1-800-IBM-4FAX service to have a copy
   of the US Announcement Letter faxed to you.  See "To Get the Detailed
   US Announcement Letter" below for details.

Q: How do I unselect a subscription to a category?
A: There are 2 ways.  See "To Unselect a Category" for details.

Q: How do I completely unsubscribe from the Listserver Service?
A: Send an e-mail to announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com. The keyword
   "unsubscribe" must be your first and only word in the body of
   the e-mail (leave the subject blank).

Q: Whom can I contact if I have questions or suggestions?
A: Send an e-mail to usannltr@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com.

Detailed Information...

Methods To Select a Category... There are 2 ways:
  A. If your e-mail facility allows you to forward/resend the e-mail
     that contains the category form, place a "S" (for select) to the
     left of the category description.  Do NOT edit/strip any
     information from the category form.  Resend the updated form
     with your choices to announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com.  For

     To: announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com
     _ HARDWARE (HW000)
       _ Processors (HW100)
         _ Large (Mainframes, Enterprise Systems, Large Scale)(HW110)
         S AS/400 Business Computing Systems and Servers (HW120)
         _ Advanced Work Stations (RISC/6000, AIX) (HW130)
         _ Personal Systems (PC Series, ThinkPads) (HW140)
         S Supercomputers (HW150)
         _ Parallel Processors (HW160)

     In this example, the user "selected" (to subscribe to) two
     categories: AS/400 Business Computing Systems...(HW120) and
     Supercomputers (HW150)

  B. Alternatively, you can simply send a new e-mail with the keyword
     SELECT in the body of the e-mail (leave the subject blank)
     followed by the category descriptor codes (the 5 characters
     in () at the end of the category descriptor) to
     announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com.  For example, to subscribe
     to AS/400 Business Computing ...(HW120) and Supercomputers
     (HW150), the user would send the following e-mail:

     To: announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com
     SELECT HW120 HW150

o Get the Detailed US Announcement Letter...
   A. If your e-mail facility allows you to forward/resend the e-mail
     that contains the US Announcement Letter titles, place a "G"
     (for Get) to the left of the letter title. Resend the updated
     form, with your request for ASCII output for the selected
     announcement letters, to announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com.
     For example:

     To: announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com
       G 194405  Cooperative Hardware Withdrawal:  CBIS CD Tower
       _ 194404  Options by IBM:  Storage Products
       G 194401  IBM 7135 Raidiant Array Feature Enhancements
       _ 194399  IBM 3174 Establishment Controller Model 95R

     In this example, the user requested to "get" the ASCII versions
     of the US Announcement Letter 194405 and 194401.

  B. Alternatively, you can send a separate e-mail with the keyword
     GET in the body of the e-mail (leave subject blank) followed
     by the US Announcement Letter number (the 6 digits that precede
     the announcement letter title) to
     announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com.  For example, to get the US
     announcement letters 194405 and 194401, the user would send the
     following e-mail:

     To: announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com
     GET 194405 194401

  C. If you prefer to obtain the US Announcement Letter(s) by fax,
     call in the United States, 1-800-IBM-4FAX (24 hours/day,
     7 days/week service), then select:
     1. Main menu option "2 -- Know your document number" and
     2. Enter the 6 digit US Announcement Letter number as the document
        number, e.g, 194405.  Note: Only 5 documents (US Announcement
        Letters) can be selected at a time with this service.
     3. Follow directions to enter the receiving fax machine number

To Unselect a Category
  A. If your e-mail facility allows you to forward/resend the e-mail
     that contains the category form, place a "U" (for unselect) to the
     left of the category description. Do NOT edit/strip any
     information from the category form.  Resend the updated form
     with your choices to announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com.  For

      To: announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com
      _ HARDWARE (HW000)
        _ Processors (HW100)
          _ Large (Mainframes, Enterprise Systems, Large Scale)(HW110)
          U AS/400 Business Computing Systems and Servers (HW120)
          _ Advanced Work Stations (RISC/6000, AIX) (HW130)
          _ Personal Systems (PC Series, ThinkPads) (HW140)
          U Supercomputers (HW150)
          _ Parallel Processors (HW160)
      In this example, the user unselects 2 categories: AS/400
      (HW120) and Supercomputers (HW150)

   B. Alternatively, you can simply send a new e-mail with the keyword
      SELECT in the body of the e-mail (leave subject blank) followed
      by the negative (minus) sign "-" and the category description
      codes (the 5 characters in () at the end of the category
      descriptor) to announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com.
      For example, to unselect AS/400...(HW120) and Supercomputers
      (HW150), the user would send the following e-mail:

      To: announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com
      SELECT -HW120 -HW150

      The above example will unsubscribe you from the AS/400 Business
      Computing Systems and Servers (HW120) and Supercomputers (HW150)

Quick Reference

1. Listserver e-mail address: announce@webster.ibmlink.ibm.com
2. Sending an e-mail to the Listserver address with the following..

   Note: only one keyword is allowed per e-mail.

   Keyword (in the
   body of the e-mail
   (subject is blank))        Results in...
   -------------------        ---------------------------------------
   Subscribe                  US Announcement Letter Category form sent
                               to you.
   Unsubscribe                Removes you from the Listserver service
                               completely. All selections are removed.
   Select HW110               Receive US Announcement Letter
                               information pertaining to the HW110
   Select -HW110              Removes your request to receive US
                               Announcement Letter information
                               pertaining to the HW110 category
   Select HW222 -HW111        Add category HW222 and remove category

3. Questions or suggestions?  Send an e-mail to

4. Common user errors (aka user don'ts)
   A. Don't place "subscribe" in the subject of the e-mail.
   B. Don't edit the category form (strip out text) except to
      specify S (for select) or U (unselect)
   C. When sending a separate e-mail (not forwarding an e-mail),
      do not include multiple listserver commands in that e-mail.

      Valid listserver commands are: Subscribe, Select, Get and
      Unselect.  Only one command within an e-mail can be used
      at a time.  Each e-mail that contains multiple selects and
      gets (or any combination thereof) can not be processed.


Please note that the products described, prices, and contact addresses
mentioned in the attachment apply in the United States only, and may
not be applicable in other countries. Readers in other countries should
contact IBM locally for details.

13.02.95 14:00