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Re: Password Override for Thinkpads

On Sun, 12 Mar 1995, Joshua Hosseinoff wrote:

> Here's how to override the poweron password as stated in the Hardware 
> Maintenance Manual.  Maybe this should be added to the FAQ.

> Models 750x:
> 1. Power off the computer.
> 2. Open the Keyboard and remove the batter pack and the diskette drive.
> 3. Lift open the small panel on the very left side of where the diskette 
> drive was.  To the left of the two backup battery connectors should be an 
> open connector.  Install a jumper on this connector.
> 4. Reinstall the floppy drive and battery pack and turn on the computer.  
> Wait until the Power on self test ends.  The password is now erased from 
> memory.
> 5. Remove the jumper in the same manner as before.  You cannot set a new 
> password until the jumper is removed.

Wow!  That's complicated.  Try this for protection:
How to override password on 360 (well I've accidentally done it twice so far)
(1) hibernate computer
(2) remove floppy drive
(3) when you wake it back up, it'll beep (expecting to find a floppy?), 
give an error code, then you'll be back to where you hibernated from, and 
not be prompted again for the password.

How much do those motion detectors cost again?  :)