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Re: poweron password?

On Mar 12,  4:09pm, Don Whiteside wrote:
> Subject: Re: poweron password?
> On Sun, 12 Mar 1995, Rohan Davidson wrote:
> > I know how to defeat the poweron password.  On the 360 at least.  It's a
> ...
> > For now, I will not make the crack public.  Do we have a consensus on
> You can die in peace - all of us with the hardware maintainance manual
> know how too - it's on page 285.
> But examine the purpose of this thing:
> It won't keep you from having the 'pad lifted. Someone takes it, you
> don't have it, regardless of whether or not they can use it.
> It won't keep them from selling it for parts. The PCMCIA cards,HD and
>-- End of excerpt from Don Whiteside

Any reasonably clever thief would be able to figure this out without the
hardware manual anyway.  Think about what you're doing when you install the
jumper -- you're shorting the power from the Lithium backup batteries.

Some modern cars have an "anti-theft" device which consists of a number which
you program and have to enter on a keypad to start the ignition.  Common car
thieves figured out pretty quick that if you just disconnect the car battery
for a couple of seconds, you clear out the number.



| Robert George            |  Army Research Laboratory              |
| robertg@assb01.arl.mil   |  AMSRL-SS-IC                           |
| Voice: (408) 656-3316    |  2800 Powder Mill Road                 |
| Fax:   (408) 656-2814    |  Adelphi, MD 20783-1197                |  

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth
    --Ecclesiastes 1:18