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Re: New!

>From JABLONOWSKI.EUGENE@epamail.epa.gov Mon Feb  6 11:23:17 1995
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From: JABLONOWSKI.EUGENE@epamail.epa.gov
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Date: Mon, 06 Feb 1995 13:15:10 -0500
To: vwayland@csn.org
Subject:  Bigger Hard Drives -Reply
Status: R

Thank you greatly for this information, and actually providing
a manufaturer and a source.  :)

Gene J

Received: from virginia.edu by merlin.rtpnc.epa.gov (8.6.9/1.34)
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  (5.65c/IDA-1.5 for ibm-tp500@virginia.edu); Mon, 6 Feb 1995 10:15:45

I chased down some information from Areal Drives.  THey made (some of?)
the original 80 MB TP500 drives.  The currently available largest drive 
that Areal makes that will fit in the TP500 is the A340.
They will be coming out with the A560 in late spring or summer.   The
A260, A340 and A560 are all 15 mm high, which will fit into the TP500,
according to the district salesman.  The A240 and A350 are in plentiful
supply.   Areal also makes the A265 and A345 which are newer and 12.5 mm
high and  in short supply.

My closest source is Budget Computers, 8745 Orchard Rd., Engelwood, CO.
(303) 741-4505.  They sell the A340 for $329 +tax, S&H, $25 installation
charge (data copying extra).  They also take credit cards.  I may stop
in on my way to the 'Springs later this week to verify all this.
The tech that I talked to on the phone said that they done 59 Toshibas
last week.

Another distributor is Propeller in Orem, Utah.  (801) 221-5999.

Your mileage may vary.  All the usual disclaimers.
