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In message Sat, 4 Feb 1995 12:05:41 -0500, tp750-request@CS.UTK.EDU  writes:

> lo16@cornell.edu has been added to the tp750 mailing list.
> ----
> Welcome to the ThinkPad 750 mailing list!
> This list is for general discussion among ThinkPad 75X owners and users,
> including the various TP750, TP755, and TP360 models.  These models are
> internally very different from the 350, 500, and 720 series machines, and
> much of the stuff discussed here won't apply to the latter group of
> machines.
> (If you have a ThinkPad 500, you might want to subscribe to the ibm-tp500
> list instead.  To do this, send mail to Majordomo@virginia.edu with the
> line "subscribe ibm-tp500 your-email-address" in the body.)
> 			>>> IMPORTANT <<<
> To send something to the list, mail it to TP750@CS.UTK.EDU
> To subscribe to the list, unsubscribe from the list, or to change your
> address, send mail to TP750-REQUEST@CS.UTK.EDU.  (If you sent your
> subscribe message to the whole list, that's okay, but please use the
> -REQUEST address next time!)
> The FAQ for this group is available for anonymous ftp from
> assistant.beckman.uiuc.edu, directory /wasserman/thinkpad,
> file "tp75x.FAQ"  Thanks to Sean Chou <ychou@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
> for maintaining it.
> Please introduce yourself!  Tell us what kind of machine you have,
> how it's configured (how much memory/disk, what accessories, etc.),
> and what operating system(s) you are using.  (send this to the LIST
> address -- don't just reply to this message!)

Hi folks,

  i'm new on this list. I own a TP360Cs. So far i've been satisfied with it
except that i regret not getting one with 340 MB HD instead of a 170 MB HD
that i have now. It runs on 33 Mhz . The thing is that to upgrade the HDD,
it would cost at least $500 if i got an IBM HDD. Has anyone got any
suggestions? Ideally, i would like to pay around $400 and hopefullt get a
discount for trading in my HDD. Alternatively, i've been looking around at
portable HDD which connects to PCMCIA jack. I appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
