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>From the IBM gopher:
Options by IBM: IBM SCSI Credit Card Adapter
Announced on January 31, 1995 
HARDWARE Announcement 195-019
The IBM small computer system interface (SCSI) Credit Card Adapter is
a Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA)
Type II adapter used for attaching SCSI devices, such as CD-ROM,
optical, tape, and hard drives.  The SCSI Credit Card Adapter offers
the SCSI attachment and performance capabilities of standard-sized
adapters and is compliant with PCMCIA Standards Release 2.01.
Device drivers and enablers are provided in support of OS/2(R), DOS,
SCSI software interfaces, and a wide range of popular notebooks and
SCSI devices that have Card and Socket Services 2.0 or 2.1 installed.
The SCSI Credit Card Adapter provides a high-performance SCSI-2
controller that supports SCSI synchronous, asynchronous, and fast
synchronous (up to 10MBps) data transfers.  The adapter supports up
to seven daisy-chained devices.
Single Unit Price:  $225 (92G8171)
Availability Date:  January 31, 1995
(R)   Registered trademark of International Business Machines
IN BRIEF . . .
|                                                                   |
| o  Provides high-performance SCSI-2 controller                    |
| o  Enables machine users with PCMCIA Type II or III slots to      |
|    attach to SCSI devices                                         |
| o  Provides capabilities of standard-size adapters at an          |
|    attractive price                                               |
| o  Furnishes 3-foot cable with SCSI-1 (Centronics type)           |
|    connector                                                      |
| o  Supports ASPI, CAM, and INT4B SCSI interfaces                  |
| o  Supports SCSI asynchronous, synchronous, and fast synchronous  |
|    data transfers                                                 |
| o  Allows up to seven daisy-chained SCSI devices                  |
|                                                                   |
| Systems supported:                                                |
|                                                                   |
| o  PS/2 E                                                         |
| o  ThinkPad(R) 350C, 360C, 500C, 720C, 750C, 755C                 |
| o  ThinkPad Port Replicator                                       |
| o  IBM desktop systems with X86-based microprocessors and with    |
|    an open PCMCIA 2.1 Type II or III slot possibly supported      |
|                                                                   |
| For technical support:                                            |
|                                                                   |
| o  Call the HelpCenter(R) (800-426-7299)                          |
|         or                                                        |
| o  Request technical information via IBM Faxback (800-426-3395).  |
|                                                                   |
The IBM SCSI Credit Card Adapter is a Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association (PCMCIA) Type II adapter used for attaching
SCSI devices, such as CD-ROM, optical, tape, and hard drives.  The
SCSI Credit Card Adapter offers the SCSI attachment and performance
capabilities of standard-sized adapters and is compliant with PCMCIA
Standards Release 2.1.   Device drivers and enablers are provided in
support of OS/2, DOS, SCSI software interfaces, and a wide range of
popular notebooks and SCSI devices.
The SCSI Credit Card Adapter provides a high-performance SCSI-2
controller that supports SCSI synchronous, asynchronous, and fast
synchronous (up to 10MBps) data transfers.  The adapter supports up
to seven daisy-chained devices.
The SCSI Credit Card Adapter provides support for ASPI, INT4B, and
CAM SCSI interfaces.  This allows the use of popular SCSI drivers and
The SCSI Credit Card Adapter kit provides quick and easy installation
programs that allow you to quickly begin using SCSI devices.
The 3-foot cable allows easy direct attachment to SCSI devices.  The
adapter connector is rugged and tolerates abuse.  It is easy to
insert and provides a locking mechanism to ensure secure connection
to the adapter.
The SCSI Credit Card Adapter uses the rugged laser welded metal
stainless steel case.
Product Positioning:  The SCSI Credit Card Adapter should be
considered as a connectivity option for portable computers (mobile
machines) when:
o  The portable computer, port replicator, or docking station
   supports PCMCIA Release 2.1 Standards and has Type II or III slots
o  Employees travel, work off-site or at different on-site locations,
   and have a need for information on CD-ROM
o  The portable computer has access to an audio card or has a built
   in audio system for use with multimedia applications and
o  SCSI tape drive is available for system backup of a portable
   computer that the user wishes to utilize
o  Information already exists on other SCSI devices that needs to be
   accessed, such as rewritable optical disk drives or external hard
   disk drives
Technical Information
Performance Specifications
Agency Approvals
o  FCC Class B
o  VCCI Class 2
Original Country of Origin:  Japan
Note: This may vary through the life of the product.
Physical Specifications
o  Height:  5.0 mm (0.197 in.)
o  Width:  54.0 mm (2.126 in.)
o  Depth:  85.6 mm (3.370 in.)
Operating Environment
o  Temperature:  0(degs) to 35(degs) C (32(degs) to 95(degs) F)
o  Relative humidity:  Less than 95%
Hardware Requirements -- IBM Systems:  The IBM SCSI Credit Card
Adapter (#3624, 92G8171) is supported on all models of the following
Description               Type
PS/2 E                    9533
ThinkPad 350C             2618
                         360C 2620
                         500C 2603
                         720C 9552
                         750C 9545
                         755C 9545
ThinkPad Port Replicator
Note: IBM desktop systems with X86-based microprocessors and with an
open PCMCIA 2.1 Type II or III slot may be supported (PS/1(R),
PS/2(R), ValuePoint(TM), PC 300/700 Series, Aptiva).
Devices Supported                         Number
Hard Disk Drives
170MB                                     70G8480(1)
340MB                                     70G8481(1)
540MB                                     70G8491(1)
1GB                                       70G8492(1)
2GB                                       70G8493(1)
270MB                                     94G2439(1)
364MB                                     94G2440(1)
540MB                                     94G2441(1)
728MB                                     94G2442(1)
104MB                                     6451241(1)
212MB                                     6451242(1)
320MB                                     6451234(1)
400MB                                     6451235(1)
160MB                                     6451046(1)
Enhanced External CD ROM II               3510-005(1)
Enhanced Internal CD ROM                  6451104(1)
Read/Write Optical Drives
127MB Internal Rewritable
  Optical Disk Drive                      6451295(1)
127MB internal Rewritable
  Optical Disk Drive                      6450162(1)
127MB External Rewritable
  Optical Disk Drive                      3432-705(1)
650MB External Rewritable
  Optical Disk Drive                      3431-001(1)
1.2GB  1/4Tape (SSD)                      3450-001
5GB 8 mm (SSD)                            3445-001
2GB 4 mm DAT Drive                        55F9464(1)
2.3GB 8 mm External                       3532-023
External SCSI
Single-Bay SCSI Enclosure
  (installed)                             3510-0V0
Seven-Bay SCSI Enclosure
  (installed)                             3511-0V0
(1)   Internal SCSI devices require an external SCSI enclosure.
Hardware Requirements -- Non-IBM Systems:  This adapter is supported
in systems/devices that comply with PCMCIA Release 2.0 with a Type II
card format.  Enablers are available for Intel Compatible PCMCIA
controllers.  PCMCIA Card Services drivers support IBM, Phoenix,
Systemsoft Card Services on Intel controller, and Databook Card
Services on Databook controller.  There is no support for a socket
services only environment.
Software Requirements:  The following operating systems and
extensions support the IBM SCSI Credit Card Adapter.
o  OS/2 2.1, or later
o  DOS 5.0, or later
o  Windows+ 3.1, or later
o  SCSI Interfaces:  ASPI, INT4B, CAM
o  Card and Socket Services is not required but is suggested for
   optimal use
Compatibility:  The SCSI Credit Card Adapter is compatible with
SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 devices.  It supports computers that have
compatible Card and Socket Services 2.0 or 2.1 and PCMCIA controller
PCMCIA Release 2.01 is compliant with a Type II card format.
Enablers are available for Intel Compatible PCMCIA controllers.
PCMCIA Card Services drivers support IBM, Phoenix, Systemsoft Card
Services on Intel controller, and Databook Card Services on Databook
controller.  There is no support for a socket services only
Limitations:  Termination power must be provided by the SCSI device.
Planning Information
Packaging:  One box
Shipment Group
SCSI Credit Card Adapter
o  Diskette 1 (Installation/ Diagnostics Diskette)
o  Diskette 2 (PCMCIA Power SCSI)
o  3-foot cable
o  Warranty Statement
o  Program License Agreement
o  Installation and Testing Instructions
o  Registration Card
o  Safety Book
Note: An Options by IBM Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement
(S19H-1277, 19H1277) is available in support of this product.
This supplement will be available on February 28, 1995.
Security, Auditability and Control
User management is responsible for evaluation, selection and
implementation of security features, administrative procedures and
appropriate controls in application systems and communications
Terms and Conditions
Field Installable Feature:  Yes
Customer Setup:  Yes
Warranty Period:  Five years
Service Type:  Customer Carry-In Exchange (CCE)
All other terms and conditions are the same as those applicable to
the IBM machine type in which the feature is installed.
Help and Service Information
During the warranty period, technical support is available
(800-426-7299) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for answering any
questions about your new IBM option.  If you need warranty service,
return or exchange is available.  In addition, if your IBM option is
installed in an IBM computer, you might be entitled to service at
your location.  Your technical support representative can help you
determine the best alternative.
                                  Part                  Unit
Description                       Number                Price*
SCSI Credit Card Adapter          92G8171               $225
*     The single unit price reflects the purchase price for a single
      unit acquired from IBM, and is subject to change without
      notice.  This price is for information purposes only, and shall
      not limit in any way the remarketers' ability to set their own
      prices for IBM products.
(TM)  Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
+     Trademark of Microsoft Corporation