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Re: Buzzing/Interference w/ PCMCIA Modem?

> 	I just got a new Practicial Peripheals PCMCIA modem and every
> time I plug in the phone cord (it has an X-jack type thingy) I get the
> nastiest, loud buzzing on the line (when I pickup an extension) which
> disappears again the minute I remove the phone cord from the XJack.

My advice: get rid of it!  I just got a 14.4 Kbps Megahertz modem
with the same "X-jack type thingy" and it works fine. Just plugged
it in. The difference might be that on the Megahertz product,
it says SPECIFICALLY "Thinkpad proven", which I guess stands for something,
not unlike the "dolphin free" sign on the tuna can... btw I don't really
find your tuna joke that funny, but I was willing to help anyway!



Genevieve Cerf, Ph.D. E.E.
Speech Recognition  & Language Understanding Services
NYNEX Science & Technology
500 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10604
(914) 644-2407
FAX: (914) 644-2211