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AC Adapter Recall Notice

Here's the official notice from IBM:
Recall Notification from IBM for AC Adapter Model AA19210
Announced on January 20, 1995
Product Announcement 195012  
Recently, during internal testing, IBM discovered that one model of
AC Adapter (42G2192) shipped with certain models of ThinkPad(R)
mobile computers could malfunction.  The affected AC Adapter is Model
AA19210 with a date code of 9452 or lower (that is, 9451, 9450...).
No incidents have been reported.  However, in keeping with strict IBM
quality procedures, IBM is issuing a recall of these adapters, which
may pose an exposure to electric shock.  IBM has implemented an easy
process for you to get a replacement adapter as quickly as possible,
at no charge.
In the U.S. and Canada, call 800-238-1967 (Monday through Friday,
6 a.m. to midnight; Saturday, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.) to reach a
representative who can help determine whether your adapter is
affected.  If your adapter is the affected part, IBM will send you,
via overnight express, a replacement adapter and a postage-paid,
return-mail carton for you to return your old adapter.  In the
interim, IBM recommends that all customers with an affected AC
Adapter only use it with a properly wired, grounded outlet or use
battery power.
If you purchased or accepted delivery of one of the affected ThinkPad
models (see bottom of ThinkPad unit for model number) during or after
October 1994, your adapter may be subject to recall.  In all cases,
the affected part is AC Adapter model AA19210 (42G2192) with a date
code of 9452 or lower (that is, 9451, 9450...) (see bottom of AC
Adapter unit for AC Adapter model number and date code).  Following
is a line drawing to help you determine if your AC Adapter is
          |   .---------------+------------++--.  |
          | o |AC Adapter     |            ||  | o|<--FOOT
          |   |IBM            |            ||  |<----Bar Code Label
          |   |               |            ||  |  |
          |   |Made in        |            ||  |  |
          |   |China          |            ||--|  |
          |   |Model AA19210  |            ||  |<----Date Label
          |   |P/N 42G2192    |            ||  |  |-----.
          |   |               |            ||  |  |     |-----------
    AC    |   |               |            ||  |  |     |-----------
    Input | o '---------------+------------''--' o|-----'  DC Output
                 Black label    Yellow label
If you have any questions, call 800-238-1967.  We apologize for any
disruption this may cause.  Thank you for your patience.
(R)   Registered trademark of International Business Machines
IN BRIEF . . .
|                                                                   |
| AC Adapter Model AA19210 (42G2192) shipped with the following     |
| ThinkPad Models may be affected:                                  |
|                                                                   |
| o  ThinkPad 755C:  Models 9545-FOE; 9545-LOE; 9545-L9E;           |
|    9545-FOG; 9545-LOG                                             |
|                                                                   |
| o  ThinkPad 360Cs:  Model 2620-20F                                |
|                                                                   |
| o  ThinkPad 755CE:  Models 9545-7BC; 9545-7BD; 9545-7BE;          |
|    9545-7PC                                                       |
|                                                                   |
| o  ThinkPad 755CD Model 9545-9BE                                  |
|                                                                   |
| If you own one of the ThinkPad models listed above and AC         |
| Adapter model AA19210 with a date code of 9452 or lower, or if    |
| you are not sure if your adapter is affected, call 800-238-1967,  |
| and IBM will:                                                     |
|                                                                   |
| o  Help you determine if your AC Adapter needs to be replaced.    |
|                                                                   |
| o  If the adapter is the affected part, we will send you via      |
|    overnight mail a replacement adapter and a postage-paid        |
|    carton for you to return your old adapter.  (Please return     |
|    your old adapter.)                                             |
|                                                                   |
"The summary above is the entire text of this announcement."