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MWave amd TP755 ( with corrected spelling)

Is there an upgrade available for the dos/windows world for the TP755CE to
make the mwave modem 28.8k V.34 compatable? 

One month into use of the TP755 says to me "I should have switched to
Thinkpads a long time ago"  Super sweet machine.......
Richard Holtz
RRH Associates
Home Control(Automation)and Building Control Systems Consultants

Tel: 904 676 2725     Cell FlipPhone: 904 679 4851   FAX: 904 676 0237 

internet:   richh@america.com
Compuserve: Used when we are in the field: 76507.2222@compuserve.com

Richard Holtz
RRH Associates
Home Control(Automation)and Building Control Systems Consultants

Tel: 904 676 2725     Cell FlipPhone: 904 679 4851   FAX: 904 676 0237 

internet:   richh@america.com
Compuserve: Used when we are in the field: 76507.2222@compuserve.com