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Introduction (another)

Hi.  My name is Stuart McDonald.  I am one of the co-authors of the
4.3BSD UNIX math libraries.

I have a tp755CD 16/810.  Yes, they _finally_ are shipping!

I got mine a couple of days ago after ordering one directly
from IBM the day they announced it.  I might add, I have been
saving up for a third-generation ThinkPad ever since seeing
my first-generation TP many years ago.

I'm a newbie to TP, DOS, Windows, etc. having worked on the
Mac & UNIX for many years, but the color display and hardware
floating-point with greater range & precision than IEEE double
won me over.

I have only purchased one(!) Windows app so far, CITY STREETS CD,
which I hope to get working with a Trimble ScoutMaster GPS.  I am
not enamored with funding the Microsoft Empire, so will try to
keep my Windows apps purchases to a minimum.  I would prefer going
the OS/2 Warp route, with the hopes that it would later converge
on/with/to Taligent's CommonPoint.

In a former lifetime, I was a Computer Graphics Consultant,
and currently have a hobby in digital still photography,
so I plan to put the video I/O to good use.

It still amazes me that something with all the capabilites of a
Mac Quadra 840av/CD can now be had in a color portable!

-Stuart McDonald, email: stuart.mcdonald@na-net.ornl.gov