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Re: Thinkpad: cat's tongue (fwd)

Do these work on the Thinkpad 500?  And what does Donald mean
"(the unit itself came with a ...)"  I don't remember ever un-
packing any with the 750's and 755's or 500's that we have got.

Forwarded message:
> On Wed, 18 Jan 1995, Karl Yeanoplos wrote:
> > Also, was there any resolution on whether or not there is enough interest
> > to place a group order?
>   I'll take a set (the unit itself came with a pack of 2 black and 2 red) 
> if it's under $10.

My ThinPad 750P came with three red and one black in a wee bag, along 
with the slotted PCMCIA cover.
