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PortRepl. design flaw fixed


Approximately one year ago I wrote about a problem that I encountered when
using a PortReplicator /w PCMCIA and an external monitor. The external
monitor (all tested models) picked a disturbance when the PCMCIA-ethernet
card in the PortReplicator was enabled i.e. got power. 

The problem was reported to IBM in December 1993. It took 7 months to
convince IBM that the ThinkPad models 750/360/755 suffer from this flaw i.e.
make the abovementioned configuration hard to use (lots of eyestrain). July
7. 1994 the IBM lab finally located the problem. December 1994 IBM offered
to fix the problem by changing the motherboard. Yesterday,13 months later,
the problem was gone.

The lesson is: If you use a 750/360/755 with a (PCMCIA in a PortReplicator)
AND (an external monitor) AND (experience moving wave patterns on your
external screen), IBM now knows what to do with your problem.

I hope that others than me need this information
Antti Kilpinen, Ph.D (Chem.Eng.)
Research Fellow
Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
Abo Akademi University, DataCity
FIN-20520 Turku