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Re: QUES: Imigosh! A MAC!!!

>	Comments, anyone?  I haven't bought a machine just yet...

Wow, that's just asking for trouble, I'd hate to see an OS jihad spring up
here :)

I'm coming from the same place as you, they're strongest feature (IMO),
hiding the nasty bits of the workings of the OS from the user, is also the
reason I've stayed away, it's so difficult to get down inside and play.

I kinda like 'em now, if someone'd put something as good as MSVC++ on it,
I'd seriously consider switching to a 540c.

I think for a technically savvy user who's comfortable working in an OS
available on an intel chip, it comes down to which OS gives you the right tools.
jesse montrose          jesse@spine.com http://www.buzznet.com/people/jesse/
                        I don't recycle.  I'm a consumer, damn it, I consume