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ADMIN: Anniversary

In message Thu, 15 Dec 1994 09:00:08: CST, JABURNS@jcpenney.com  writes:

> BTW - I'm not sure who IS administering this list, but you're doing a
> great job (wherever you are)!!

I suppose it's about time to post this.  Our admin is Keith Moore aka

A little over a year ago in reply to an article on comp.sys.laptops, I put
a small joke about a mailing list in one of my posts.  On Nov 27, 1993,
Sean Chou replied to me as follows:


>In comp.sys.laptops you write:
>>Maybe we 750 owners should start a mailing list or something to keep each
>>other updated on things like this.... :)
>Actually, this isn't realy a bad idea since we all have a lot of money
>invested in these machines and seeing as they are the first of a breed,
>we can probably all expect quite a few problems in the future.
>I'd even be willing to handle it as long as it doesn't get too
>ridiculous (which it shouldn't since I've only seen a handful of people
>who have them).  I guess I should start by: 1) seeing if these messages
>are getting through, and 2) posting a message to all TP750/C users out
>Sean Chou
>University of Illinois - Champaign
>Email: seanchou@uiuc.edu


For a while we ran off a mailing aliases - everybody kept their own list of
everyone else who was "on" the TP750 mailing list, or we'd send mail to
Sean and he'd forward it to everyone.  Then on Jan 3, 1994, Sean made the
following announcement:


>Keith Moore has offered to set up a permanent home for our Thinkpad 750
>mailing list.  A direct quote from him:
>I have tentatively set up a regular mailing list at tp750@cs.utk.edu which
>has the current membership on it.  I'm willing to maintain it if people
>send mail to tp750-request@cs.utk.edu for additions/deletions/changes
>I will continue to service this site (well, alias) as long as it's
>necessary so if you forget the site, just send it here and I'll
>redirect it the proper way.  But please try to use this site for all future
>posts.  Also, I've sent him a list of all current users so none of you
>will have to request to be added.  I hope that this will be more
>convenient as well as useful and I'd like to thank Keith Moore for
>taking the brunt of the load off of me.
>However, I will be maintaining a FAQ (when we build enough info to
>warrant one) as well as archiving all posts (Keith may also do this).
>Thanks again to all the members who stuck with me as primitive as the
>list was! And especially to Robert Dewar (who helped think of this
>great idea and answered all my pesty questions before I finally got
>my own TP750C) and John Kim (who helped out in general)...


So this list is over a year old, or almost a year old, depending on if you
count from the genesis of the list, or from the genesis of the alias site.
Either way, Happy 1st Birthday.  Many MANY thanks to Keith Moore, Sean
Chou, Robert Dewar, and everyone else whose contributions have made the
mailing list a success.  Many people have said this before but I'll
reiterate:  I get at least ten times more useful information from this list
than from IBM or comp.sys.laptops.

Thanks all!
| |                                                                     |
| | John H. Kim    "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
| | jokim@mit.edu        - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     jokim@tuna.mit.edu does not work (yet)       |