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RE: OS/2 Warp Compression

On Sat, 10 Dec 1994, John H. Kim wrote:

> In message Sat, 10 Dec 1994 13:30:40 -0500 (EST),
>   "Darren P. McCabe" <halinatr@gwis2.circ.gwu.edu>  writes:
> > I just started running Warp on my TP750> >

> > AND limiting the swapfile size, this this is a pig.  I also dislike how
> > long it takes to boot up, I could do dos and windows in half the time!
> What most of us do is leave it running.  I spend far less time waiting for
> OS/2 to reboot once every few days....

Which I tend to do as well, but isn't rebooting the only way to reset the 
size of the swapfile?  Also, do you just use suspend mode, or are you 
going into hibernation (Which I never use).... I have just been booting 
up only once a day, and turning off at night.

> > Someone posted a Stacker-like program for OS/2 which took advantage of
> > 32bit performance....I looked and wound up installing Zipstream, which
> > can't be correct.  Could I get the name of that file again, as it appears
> That's the right file.  Are you sure you're using it correctly?  I asked the
> authors if there's a way to make it compress OS/2's system files but they
> haven't answered.

Hmmmmm.  Well then I may not be using it correctly.  I told it to mirror 
my D: (OS/2 HPFS) drive with H:, like in the instructions.  But it seems 
to indicate you have to tell it what files to compress, like simlply 
zipping them.  What I did was type ZSPACK D:\software\FLG, which is my 
Lotus Freelane directory.  After that, I was under the impression the 
files would program like normal, but they didn't. Did I do something wrong?

Also, John, I think I may have come off as an OS/2 basher, or perhaps 
that's the way you interprted me, but I am not....I really like the 
product, and was VERY impressed with the way it identified and cooperated 
with my hardware.  I'm not going back to DOS/WIN, just looking forward to 
moving ahead with OS/2.

I use a Colorado Trakker 250, and have not tried to back up since the 
install. Anyone else using such a device with OS/2 on a thinkpad USING 
the HPFS? I may need new software.....

>  _____________________________________________________________________
> |\_____________________________________________________________________\
> | |                                                                     |
> | | John H. Kim    "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
> | | jokim@mit.edu        - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |
> | | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     jokim@tuna.mit.edu does not work (yet)       |
>  \|_____________________________________________________________________|

Hal McCabe