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Re: NT 3.5 and Solaris 2.4 on Thinkpad?

>After monitoring the list for a while, I haven't noticed anyone
>mention these two operating systems.  Does anyone know
>if they work at all on the TP755?

NT 3.5 seems to work with 16 colors.  I haven't heard anything
on Solaris in a while.

>p.s., anyone have any rumors on what's coming up for the
>Thinkpads at Spring Comdex?  I've heard that there is
>going to be a Pentium version (hopefully w/o math bug ;-) 
>and there were rumors of a Thinkpad w/ folding
>keyboard codenamed Project Butterfly...

The TP will be using the 75Mhz Pentium which I think is
probably too new to be affected by the math bug.

What use would a folding keyboard be? Give me a folding
screen! Or a folding notebook! Why a folding keyboard?
Sean Chou / schou@uiuc.edu / CompuServe 73672,2111