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Re: Socketed 750 CPU's

In message Fri, 9 Dec 1994 13:55:49 -0800 (PST),
  Randal Whittle <whittle@chaph.usc.edu>  writes:

>>   	The TP 750's use the Intel 486SL chip which *does* have a math-co
>>   and operates at low power.
>>   	The other IBM chip, the 486SLC has *no* math-co, but also happens
>>   to have a 16K on-chip cache.
> 	Just as a follow-up, I think one or both of the models 500 and 720
> used the IBM SLC chip.  Anyone?

Let's see if I can kill all these birds with one post.

IBM 486SLC: used in the TP500, 700, and 720.  Comes in "normal" and
clock-doubled versions.  The 500 and 720 use the clock doubled versions.
24-bit memory bus (16MB max), 16-bit data bus, 32-bit internal, no FPU,
16k cache.

IBM 486BL: aka "Blue Lightning."  Used in the TP510 and maybe the TP425.
Comes in "normal" and clock-doubled/tripled versions.  32-bit memory bus
(4GB max), 32-bit data bus, 32-bit internal, no FPU, 16k cache.  Before you
ask, the TP425 is like a TP350, only it's sold at schools.

Intel 486SL:  discontinued, used in the TP750, only came in 25MHz and 33MHz
flavors.  32-bit memory bus, 32-bit data bus, 32-bit internal, with FPU
(except a version used in the TP350), 8k cache, on-board power management
and motherboard features.

Intel 486DX, DX2:  The standard, used in TP755 and TP360 (? SX version).
32-bit memory bus, 32-bit data bus, 32-bit internal, with FPU, 8k cache.

Intel 486DX4:  Clock tripled, 32-bit memory bus, 32-bit data bus, 32-bit
internal, with FPU, _16k_ cache.  Costs more than a TP500. :-)  TP755 only.

> ________________________________ Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu
> |       Y'know, Tuna just      | USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC
> |    doesn't taste the same    |   (My opinions are mine, but
> |      since they took the     |     right, they should
> |          Dolphin out!        | 					
> --------------------------------

You should try Dolphin sometime.  Real good tasting.  (The fish of course,
Mahi Mahi :-)
| |                                                                     |
| | John H. Kim    "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
| | jokim@mit.edu        - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     jokim@tuna.mit.edu does not work (yet)       |