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Re: 4 MB Memory Cards for TP720/750

On Fri, 9 Dec 1994, Curtis P. Yeske wrote:

> I need to dump a bunch of new in-box 4MB Ram Cards for the ThinkPads.
> 1.  How much would I be able to get for them?
> 2.  Any pointers as to who would be interested?

Current new price from places that give lifetime guar. is ~$170. _I_ 
personally wouldn't shell more than $120 w/o the promise of lifetime 

I dunno where you can sell them, less some people her want them. With 4M 
standard, another 4M for the pad is just (IMHO) not sufficient, since you 
can only have one card in place.

Now, if you have aome 16Ms at decent prices.... I might like one.