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RE: your request

> On Wed, 7 Dec 1994, John H. Kim wrote:
> > You may want to buy an IBM OEM drive.  It's the same thing as the TP drive
> > only without the plastic case.  Costs about half what IBM charges.  I'm
> > sure someone has the info on Micro Machines or Sigma Data(?).
> > 

And  Donald A. Whiteside (dwhite@shadow.net) asked:

> If someone could post this info, I'd appreciate it. I'm thinking about 
> buying one, but most of the drive resellers don't advertise 2.5 drives in 
> their Computer Shopper ads and I don't want to have to make 10 phone 
> calls to shop prices. Plus, I'll put it on the page for other to refer to.

Once again, I repost here the information given by Sean Chou
(ychou@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu) : 

I've gotten a lot of questions about the Sigma Data hard drives, so I'm
posting the information to the mailing list:

Sigma Data is at least one of the OEM manufacturers of the hard drives
shipping in the 355, 360, and 75x series.  Therefore these drives have
the exact same specifications as the original IBM drives.  IBM fully
supports these drives, including maintaining them under the terms of the
ThinkPad warranty.

Since they are the OEM manufacturer, the drives come in the same case,
same connector, etc.  The only difference is that there is a Sigma Data
label on the case...

Here are the part numbers:

Capacity         IBM Part Number                  Sigma Data Part Number

340M               66G2849                            QED/TP750-340
540M               84G2150                            QED/TP750-540
810M               84G8250                            QED/TP750-810

Sigma Data
17 Newport Road
New London, NH
(800) 446-4525
(603) 526-6909

Hope this helps.
Best regards.

 St'ephane ERANIAN			| Email	eranian@chorus.fr
 Universit'e PARIS VII			|	eranian@litp.ibp.fr
 LITP - Laboratoire d'Informatique	|
 Th'eorique et Programmation		|
 2 place Jussieu			|
 75251 Paris cedex 05			|